​Sarah Iremonger Cork Paintings, J. D. Mooney Foundation, Chicago, USA 1996

"Sarah Iremonger's hunger for colour leads her into deep blue and black, or glowing green, exploring their diversities in relation to light. Dominique Truco has brought the Irish artists into ancient buildings and the belief that these were once contemporary, and 'you must work and do where you are'. And then Sarah Iremonger's twelve abstract canvases were conceived spatially as triptych or diptych. Since her first tentative works with architectural imagery, she has progressed gradually into works of enigma and anticipation."

Extract from the Cork Examiner review by Hilary Pyle, June 1996

Winner of the DHL ArtLift Award for Cork Paintings exhibition, J. D. Mooney Foundation, Chicago, USA & 'L’Imaginaire Irlandais' Villesalem Abbey in association with Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers, France 1996

Also see Paintings 1994-97